
How to choose a quality of milk

Milk is an essential nutrient for every family .Do you know how to pick the absolute safety and high quality fresh milk? So let me  tell  you how to choose a qualified quality milk? 

Firstly, Pour milk (not boiled or microwave heated) into a clean transparent glass quickly, then slowly tilt the glass, if there is a thin film of milk left in the cup wall, and do not hang cups, easily to wash , that is, fresh raw milk. 

And second, a few drops of milk into the cold water. If milk coagulation sink to the bottom ,that is  the better quality milk, the poor quality will float. 

Lastly,observed the film of milk,you also can distinguish.Boiled milk, you can observe the surface film of milk after the milk turned cold .If the surface film of milk is complete,that is  good milk, or is bad.
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