
Five mistakes women dealing with their anger

1, clearly angry but deliberately suppressed
Solution: Understanding anger is normal, do not deliberately suppressed anger. Write your feelings in the diary. Try and you trust to share the feelings.
2, think they are right
Solution: Accept yourself and others the facts are not perfect, not too picky.
3, misunderstanding others
Solution: How much daily attention to his spirit in the 'guess' what others think. You have to understand, unless you do, you, you will not know what others think. Similarly, unless you speak, otherwise I would not know what you think.
4, vent their anger on others
Solution: Ask yourself who is really angry. Seek the support of others, caused directly to the source of your anger.
5, impulsive behavior occurs
Solution: Take the third piece of cake in hand, or to pay to buy another brand package before the first pause, take a deep breath, and then ask yourself what the real feeling.
Angry is not a bad thing, but a normal emotional response, it is important is to learn how to transform anger, not to a negative mood because of injury.

